Friday, June 18, 2010

Explaining psychotherapy –

Psychotherapy could be explained as a treatment that deals with the emotional or psychological disorder in one’s life that usually has an impact or deliberate effect on one’s life often emanating from the past. This treatment is talk based and is a way to explore the patterns of behavior, feelings and thoughts through which the patient can be suggested some healthy coping strategy. When the patient gets to discuss his past and current experiences, he develops an understanding that he contributes to the array of unsuccessful and successful outcomes in his own life; which helps him in acquiring the tool in making lasting changes. Psychotherapy is not like drug therapy, which only helps treating the symptoms of the emotional illness; and is effective only when the medication is taken. Psychotherapy makes a lifelong impact and brings about a positive impact on the thought and behavior pattern.

Art psychotherapy –

Also known as Art therapy this is a procedure or treatment that helps to let the patient bring about an expression of his thoughts via an art form. Here, art is used as a form of communication. It helps the patient to understand their own problems better.

Art psychotherapy and its working

Art here is used as a tool for the process of psychotherapy; it could help both adults and children to express easily and communicate without feeling threatened or unsafe; these thoughts might not be really easy to express otherwise. A patient is given an opportunity to bring out his feelings and thoughts in the form of lines, shapes, form and color. The creativity process brings about a form of interaction and communication; which the patient finds difficult, shy or awkward to express otherwise. Also as the artwork is a display of both unconscious and conscious thoughts and feelings; it makes for better opportunities to explore.

There are a few materials required for art therapy such as clay and makers, paint, brushes, chalk; there are no criteria for a patient to have past experience with art of any level or any artistic skills. Here the patient doesn’t need to aim to get in place a picture or sculpture that has aesthetic value; it is a process that is given to the patient for self-expression to bring a positive change, healing and personal growth.

In just the same way as with other psychotherapy or counseling techniques, art therapy can be used in one-to-one or group situations. It can be used to treat those who are suffering from emotional and psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety, as well as those who are experiencing relationship difficulties and have a tendency to act on emotions that they do not understand.

Click on the link for more information on psychotherapy and counselling.

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